Over the past few days, some Windows 10 users have been noticing ads appear on their computers lock screens. The ads in question have been for the new Lara Croft game, Rise of the Tomb Raider, which links directly to the Windows Store where you can purchase it. These ads have been appearing through […]
Month: February 2016
Don’t get stung with a huge phone bill
If you have an iPhone 5 or later and are running the latest iOS version 9, then make sure you have disabled a feature called Wi-Fi Assist, in order to make sure your phone bills don’t blow out by a large amount. With the latest version (iOS 9), Apple have introduced a new feature […]
Perth to Sydney Server Migration
We at Tech180 have just finished our first server migration, and it was a big one. It took us 3 days, but we successfully migrated an entire business’ infrastructure from one side of the country to the other. The migration consisted of ten virtual servers running off 2 VMware ESX hosts, one Netapp datastore, and […]